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This is the Roll 2 - Complete [download]

This is the Roll 2 - Complete [download]
All 28 chapters from "This is the Roll 2" covering rolls from the Standard roll, storm roll, reverse sweep and sculling families. Most chapters are around 8 minutes long with clear demonstrations, detailed break-downs and learning progressions. All rolls have a troubleshooting chapter where students demonstrate common errors and are taught how to fix them by Cheri & Turner. With euroblade and key points chapters.
£ 18,99



Features You'll be sent links to download all the chapters individually. They are numbered according to which family they are from and in order of increasing difficulty.
Duration 205 min.
Personalities Cheri Perry, Turner Wilson
Date Released 2015
Target Sea Kayaking
Subject Greenland-style, Technique
Quality HD, 16:9 WS, 1280x720
File type MOV
File size 6 GB
Subtitles No subtitles
Released on DVD This is the Roll 2
Manufacturer country United Kingdom


1.1 Standard Greenland Roll Family Traits 60 MB 2m 30s
1.2 Butterfly Roll 290 MB 9m
1.3 Crook of Elbow Roll 205 MB 8m 30s
1.4 Armpit Roll 170 MB 7m
1.5 Paddle Behind the Head Roll 220 MB 9m
1.6 Spine Roll 265 MB 8m 30s
1.7 Aft Finishing Norsaq Roll 180 MB 7m 30s
1.8 Aft Finishing Hand Roll 290 MB 11m 45s
1.9 Closed Fist Roll 175 MB 6m
1.10 Rock Roll 125 MB 5m
1.11 Elbow Roll 285 MB 9m 30s
1.12 Straightjacket Roll 165 MB 7m
2.1 Reverse Sweep Roll Family Traits 50 MB 2m 0s
2.2 Reverse Sweep with Paddle behind the Head Roll 195 MB 8m 0s
2.3 Paddle held behind the Back Roll 480 MB 10m 30s
2.4 Aft to Forward Norsaq Roll 195 MB 8m 0s
2.5 Aft to Forward Hand Roll 155 MB 6m 30s;
3.1 Storm Roll Family Traits 55 MB 2m 0s
3.2 Cross Arm Storm Roll 195 MB 8m 0s
3.3 Forward to Forward Norsaq Roll 220 MB 9m 0s
3.4 Forward to Forward Hand Roll 170 MB 7m 0s
4.1 Sculling Roll Family Traits 65 MB 2m 0s
4.2 Chest Scull 245 MB 8m 0s
4.3 Foredeck Sculling Roll 300 MB 13m 30s
4.4 Underboat Sculling Roll 360 MB 15m 30s
4.5 Vertical Sculling Roll 280 MB 9m 30s
5.1 Yoga & Stretching 190MB 8m 30s