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Dougie Down the Pet [download]

Dougie Down the Pet [download]
This multiple-award winning film tells a touching father-son canoeing story down the classic Petawawa river. The frosty mornings contrast with the touching warmth of their relationship on this classic whitewater river. Dougie runs challenging rapids, climbs up the Natch cliffs, fishes for muskie & toasts marshmallows in this endearing feel-good film.
£ 2,99



Reviews Winner of best professional documentary at the National Paddling Film Festival in America and finalist in the Kendal Mountain Film festival.
Duration 17 min.
Country Canada
Region Ontario
Location Algonquin
Personalities Scott MacGregor
Date Released 2010
Target Canoeing
Subject Destination, Personality
Quality HD, 16:9 WS, 1280x720
File type MOV
File size 650 MB
Subtitles No subtitles
Released on DVD This is Canoeing
Manufacturer country United Kingdom